As technology is constantly evolving, so is the demand for cybersecurity professionals. Cyber attacks in the form of hacking and creating viruses can damage information systems, computer networks, personal devices, and leave confidential information prone to exploitation. Though the need for cybersecurity professionals is high, there is a shortage of people to fill this demand. For those who already work in the computer industry and are looking to expand their skills, or for students who are interested in working with computers, exploring the field cybersecurity can be a very lucrative option.
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Looking for a recruiter to help you source new talent? With thousands of executive recruiters, search firms and headhunters, it's hard to know where to start. Recruiters LineUp makes it easier than ever: • Choose among top-rated recruiting firms, headhunters or search firms • Search by industry, location or any other criteria • Get relevant results only • Enjoy personal guidance from our consultants
Cybersecurity has a broad range of titles including Systems Administrator, Auditor, Security Analyst, Systems Integrator, Network Architect, Systems Engineer, Security/IT Manager, CISO/CSO, Forensics Investigator, and much more. The best Baltimore Cyber Security Headhunters look for people with certain skills to be a part of the industry. These include advanced malware prevention, handling and responding properly to incidents, SIEM management, analytics, intrusion detection, and application security development. These skills can be learned in school or by taking short courses to obtain IT Certification.
Below is a table with the approximate salaries of people who work in this industry.

There are over 1,800 cybersecurity firms in Maryland offering nearly 20,0000 jobs, where at least 13,000 of these position are in Baltimore. For those who want to apply, this can be done by looking at their websites and contacting the HR department or by attending the CyberMaryland Conference which is set up at the Baltimore Convention Center. Each year for a few days, Cybersecurity firms hold exhibits and recruit new employees. At present, there are currently 39,000 people employed in cybersecurity in Baltimore.
There are several industries that search for employees for cybersecurity professionals maintenance and prevention. Some businesses need security more than others. One of these is the government. It is not a secret that cybersecurity is crucial in protecting information contained in the government’s servers. Both local and international divisions are prone to attacks from terrorists and other nefarious groups. Another industry is banks. Most people trust banks to keep their money safe and for personal information to stay only with them. However, fraud and identity theft is still probable and thus, the need to invest in IT security. Tech companies also need protection from cyber attacks. Whether the company is a start-up business or an established firm like Google, cyber security is still crucial. There are always new methods to develop to outsmart firewalls and thus, the need to create new ways to deal with these threats. With the numerous banks, government offices, and tech firms located in Baltimore, it is no wonder that Baltimore Cyber Security search firms hire only the best candidates for their employers.
If you are looking for a job in this industry, a list is provided below for some of the best Baltimore cybersecurity recruiters
- KEYW Corp
- ZeroFOX
- Metro Data Inc
- Data Networks
- IntelliGenesis LLC:
- CyberPoint International
- Racktop Systems
- Ross Technologies Inc. (RTGX)
- Applied Technology Group
- CTI/Continental Technologies Inc.
To be matched with the right cyber security recruiter or headhunter, simply use the search option on this page to search for recruiters, headhunters, and staffing agencies by industry, niche, or location!
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